
    Beijing Economic-Technological Development Area is located in Yizhuang, Daxing District, Beijing. It was approved by the State Council as the only NETDZ in Beijing on August 25, 1994 and was approved as the first and only development area implementing the pilot project of building a waste free city in 2019.

    Taking the opportunity of the pilot project, Beijing Economic-Technological Development Area has built actively the green factories and gradually improved their efficiency. The area has enriched the connotation of green products and encouraged enterprises to develop and produce products and services that would boost resource regeneration and recycling. A delicacy management mode of solid waste was implemented by the area with administrative management, intelligent management and market operation complementing each other. Also, an emerging service market system of solid waste recycling and utilization that is loop-locked was cultivated.

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  • 主办单位:国家级经济技术开发区绿色发展联盟
  • 技术支持电话:022-66371809
  • 版权所有:天津泰达低碳经济促进中心有限公司(国家级经济技术开发区绿色发展联盟秘书处)
  • 京ICP备2020035841号-2
  • 网站管理及技术支持:国家级经开区绿色发展联盟绿色数据中心

