What is a filter garden

An innovative composite technology: functional landscape, innovative landscape, ecological design, biodiversity design.Filtration garden can not only achieve the effect of pollution control, but also create beautiful ecological landscape effect;

Filter gardens treat polluted water, air and soil with a landscaped appearance through a combination of selected plants and adsorbed filter materials.

The country

The French

Technical name

Filter the garden

Technical description

Filtration garden is built on a comprehensive ecosystem, utilizing the multiple physical, chemical and biological functions in the wetland natural ecosystem, through phytoremediation, plant degradation, plant absorption, filtration, interception, adsorption, ion exchange, microbial decomposition, etc., to achieve effective purification of sewage.

After a screening process, the sewage passes through a vertical filtration system and then into a horizontal filtration system.After the above procedures, the organic pollutants and bacteria in sewage will be removed.At the same time, different species of life allowed a variety of animals to inhabit the area, and the biological chain was repaired.

Before the water can be released, it can also be done through a "short-cut" process, where some or all of the water is evaporated by transpiration from plants and the rest seeps into the ground.

Technical advantages

1) Technical advantages

Combining pollution control with ecological landscape;

Low investment cost, low operating cost;

Treatment effect up to standard, can achieve zero emissions;

Small area, in line with China's national conditions;

No additional sludge treatment costs;

Humus soil, plants completely realize circular economy

2) Environmental protection/energy saving benefits generated by this technology

Filter garden technology design and build filter gardens for cities, communities, factories, etc., to purify and treat domestic sewage, industrial wastewater, etc.Filtration garden occupies a compact area, small investment, low operating costs, treatment effects (including heavy metals, oil pollution, organic pollution, etc.).

Filtration gardens for contaminated soil, sludge and silt:

Dewatering and purification of sludge

The sludge is sterilized by microorganisms that accumulate around the plant's roots

Remediation for heavy metal pollution by the phyto-Remediation technique

During stabilization of the sludge, an aerobic environment is maintained in the plant filtration system so that no odors are generated

The treated sludge becomes humus and can be reused in landscaping

Industry and field of technology application

Filter gardens for sewage and rainwater treatment

Filter gardens to treat contaminated soil, sludge and silt

Ecological planning and landscape design for residential areas (urban ecological islands), industrial areas and large nature reserves (including filtration gardens, recycling and treatment of sewage/rainwater/sludge/waste gas)

Ecological management of river banks and rivers

TEDA Low Carbon Center

Source: Commercial Investment Section of the French Embassy in China

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